Monday, February 14, 2011


In the beginning… just kidding.

I didn’t expect to get started so early but we did. Gwen came over tonight to hang out and we got to talking about wedding plans. We both know it was on our minds so it was only appropriate to start talking about the plans.

Personally, I don’t know what the heck I’m doing. She has a better idea but neither have actually experienced the planning process so that’s why TQ is there to save our butts. She’s our designated wedding planner (I don’t even know if she knows that yet but if you’re reading this TQ, yes, you).

The biggest question we’ve both been getting since the night we got engaged is “Do you have a date?” Not, “How did you do it?” Not anything else. I kind of felt under-prepared because so many people asked. Even clients at work asked me if we had a date. Same for Gwen too. So to satiate the desire to know, our tentative date as of tonight is September 3, 2011. There’s no “save the date” yet though but that is what we’ve agreed on at this point.

We also talked about who would be in our wedding party which I will not go into for the potential of finding out via a blog than being told in person. That would be lame.

As for later, the plan is talk to TQ about a budget because that will determine what we can have and how many people we’ll invite. Gwen and I were totally on the same page about having a practical budget but the way we think about spending the money is different. Everything she’s thinking is need, need, need but in being sensitive to the fact that this is a special day I was saying “Well what do you want?” Her response? “To get married and have fun.” Well said babe. Won’t contest that at all.

More to come as this thing progresses!

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